Consider converting a spare room--or even a specific corner--into your own private yoga studio. A few touches of your own with regard to decor and ambiance might make all the difference in how you look forward to your peaceful practice of yoga and meditation.
If you’re using DVD or online instruction, then of course you’ll need the television set or computer screen to be visible. Select a space with enough room for a yoga mat, or simply a roomy stretch of clean and comfortably carpeted floor. You might like to choose an area with natural light from a window, or provide your own lighting and atmosphere with lamps or candles.
Perhaps you would enjoy scented candles, scented oils, or an incense burner to add to the atmosphere, and if you aren’t following a DVD instructor (or if you follow your yoga practice with a period of meditation) you might like to play some low-key or relaxing music of your own choosing.
During warm months (or, if you’re fortunate enough to live in a temperate climate, perhaps year-round) a patio or outdoor venue might be a pleasant place to practice your yoga and meditation. Whether indoors or out, you can add a small table-top water-fountain, or even a noise machine that mimics the sounds of running water or ocean waves. Whatever elements you can think of to stimulate your physical senses and lull you into relaxation, feel free to personalize your own yoga space in ways that make you feel pleasantly peaceful.
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